ace_gracy lecturer

Residence: Philippines



My name is Gracy. I am an experienced mid-level career English Communications Coach with General English and Business English teaching knowledge. believe that learning is fun and progressive when you are highly supported and the environment is friendly. It is my greatest achievement to see my It is my greatest achievement to see my students improve their confidence in speaking the English language and become ready to conquer the world. I am excited to see you in my class!

Hello! My name is Gracie. I am an experienced mid-career English Communication Coach with a background in teaching General English and Business English. I believe that a high level of support and a friendly environment is what makes learning fun and progressive. My greatest accomplishment is seeing my students become confident in speaking English and ready to conquer the world. I look forward to seeing you in my classes!

*Japanese is translated using machine translation technology. Please understand that there may be mistranslations or sentences not intended by the instructor.

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(Educational Experience:)

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