Janey Lecturer

Residence: Philippines



I am 24 years old, currently residing in the Philippines. I have 2 months as an ESL teacher. I have developed a strong problem-solving skills, honed my ability to manage conflict and deal with demanding individuals and polished my communication skills. Also completed a lot of trainings and webinars. I really love teaching and it is my passion.

Hello, my name is Lady Jane I. Guay! My name is Lady Jane I. Guay. I am 24 years old, currently living in the Philippines, and I worked as an ESL teacher for 2 months. From this experience I have learned a lot about how to deal with customers. I have developed strong problem solving skills, managed conflict, honed my ability to deal with demanding people, and honed my communication skills. I also completed many trainings and webinars. I truly love teaching and it is my passion.

*Japanese is translated using machine translation technology. Please understand that there may be mistranslations or sentences not intended by the instructor.

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