Clari_aguilar Lecturer

Residence: Philippines



Hi, there! My name is clari, I am an English teacher with TEFL certificate which means I'm certified to teach kids, adults and even young professionals!

Aside from teaching I'm also a mom, during my spare time I like to draw, I can dance, I can act too! Making sure that all my lessons are interesting, interactive and informative.

So, join me and book a class with me
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See you there!

Hello! My name is clari. I am a TEFL certified English teacher, qualified to teach children, adults, and young professionals!

Besides teaching, I am also a mother and in my spare time I like to paint, dance, and act! I try to make every lesson interesting, interactive, and informative.

So book a class with me.
Message from you
See you soon! Bye.

*Japanese is translated using machine translation technology. Please understand that there may be mistranslations or sentences not intended by the instructor.

Languages this tutor can teach

English (teaching experience: 1 year)

Japanese (teaching experience: 1 year)

Tagalog (teaching experience: 1 year)

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However, the number of free trial lessons, lesson time, and content will vary depending on the instructor.

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